The total price of the sale and purchase contract for 11 units of N219 aircraft is US$ 80.5
million. The signing of this contract was witnessed by Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto
and Minister of PPN/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa.
The first N219 aircraft is planned to be handed over by PTDI to PT Karya Logistik Indotama in
28 months after the contract becomes effective and the second unit up to the 11th unit N219
aircraft is handed over in stages every four months after the previous N219 aircraft.
PTLI is an Indonesian company engaged in mining, trade and logistics. The Managing Director
of PT KLI Krishna Soejitno who also acts as Head of Hebitren (Economic and Business
Relations of Islamic Boarding Schools), owns several other companies in the energy sector.
The company will utilize N219 to improve passenger and logistics connectivity in remote areas
to larger airports, for example Hajj, Umrah, business activities and others.
In order to support after-sales service products, PTDI owns and operates facilities and
overhauls, including avonics, electrical, instrument, transmission, hydraulic and propeller
PTDI will also provide a set of publications for each N219 aircraft in accordance with the
specifications of the Air Transportation Association (ATA) Chapter and provide 1 (one)
Technical Assistance person for six months at a facility designated by PTKLI.
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